
Jenny Diaz

Writer at PuertoRico.com.

Jenny Diaz was born in Puerto Rico and grew up in New York. She spent every summer in Puerto Rico with her family during her childhood, giving her the chance to explore much of the island. She has always had a love for writing, travel, and animals.She began her career as a travel writer, and after many different jobs in media, has settled back into what she loves most.She has a deep love for the island and wants to share that with as many people as possible, especially if it means getting them outside and exploring Puerto Rico’s natural wonders.She enjoys the beach, trips to the island with her family, and coffee!

Jenny Diaz

The Blog Squad

We are a team of writers from Puerto Rico dedicated to producing the
most accurate and in-depth content about the island.

Jenny Diaz

Carlos Cubero

141 articles
Jenny Diaz

Erin Reynolds

141 articles
Jenny Diaz

Ariana Santos

141 articles
Jenny Diaz

Vanessa Ramos

141 articles